WPF Page Hosted Windows Applications and XAML Browser Applications (XBAPs)
WPF Page Hosted Windows Applications and XAML Browser Applications (XBAPs) In WPF, you can also make page based applications. These page based applications are of two types: 1. Pages Hosted in Windows Application 2. Stand-alone XAML Browser Application(XBAPs) Lets try to understand these WPF Page based applications: 1. Pages Hosted in Windows Application In this approach, you create your windows application and host some of the pages in that Windows application using NavigationWindow or Frame. This approach is generally used in WPF applications to integrate some kind of wizard in your application, to show some help contents and documentation. Hosting Pages in Navigation Window System.Windows.Controls.Page class is used as top level container instead of Windows. <Page...> ... ... </Page> But actually, there is one more top level container known as NavigationWindow (derives from Windows class) in which Page container is hosted. The NavigationWindow looks like an ordinary...